
How to adjust the air volume of the cooling fan

How to adjust the air volume of the cooling fan

In industrial cooling fans, the parameter value of air volume is the standard for users to consider the cooling performance of the fan, but it does not mean that the larger the air volume, the better. The model should be selected according to your own equipment. In "parameters affecting the cooling performance of cooling fans - air volume" There is a separate explanation of the concept of air volume, so I won't explain it here! The capacity of the cooling fan is selected according to the maximum air volume required by the process equipment, but the air volume required by the equipment during actual production and operation varies from time to time. Therefore, adjusting the air volume of the fan according to the operation is a common method to realize the energy-saving operation of the fan. There are usually the following three ways:

(1) Frequency conversion speed regulation

The frequency conversion speed regulation technology converts the alternating current of the grid into alternating current with adjustable voltage and frequency through the frequency converter, and controls the motor to run in a variable speed state.

It is characterized by wide speed regulation range, simple structure, complete protection functions, high efficiency and good stability, and can obtain ideal speed parameters in the production process. It is the most promising speed regulation and energy saving method at present.

(2) Hydraulic coupling

That is, using liquid to transmit torque, a hydraulic coupling device is connected in series between the motor and the load, and the turbine, pump wheel and spoon tube in the device are coordinated with each other, and the coupling force is adjusted by the level of the liquid level to change the fan speed.

Features: But it has the disadvantages of occupying a lot of land, low efficiency, and narrow speed regulation range;

(3) Cascade speed regulation

Cascade speed regulation uses a wound asynchronous motor to send part of the energy of the rotor winding back to the grid through rectification and inverter.

Features: However, the speed regulation range of this method is still not high, and the motor is replaced frequently, the maintenance workload is large, and the power factor is not high.

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